Year End 2018 Fundraising Campaign Report

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Year End 2018 Fundraising Campaign Report

Assalam Alaykum and Greetings of Peace to All,

The ICCNC’s year-end fundraising campaign started on November 18, 2018 by a fundraising mailer sent to the community. It was followed by the online “Giving Tuesday” campaign on Nov. 28, 2018. The Annual Fundraising Dinner was held on the occasion of celebration of Milad al-Nabi on Saturday Dec. 1, 2018. The fundraising campaign continued until Dec. 31, 2018.

The ICCNC fundraising goal for the year-end campaign was $100,000. However, through your generous contributions it exceeded our expectations and a total of $124,900 was raised. Two hundred community members committed to pay this amount either through donations or pledges, $68,650 of donations was paid by the end of 2018 and $56,250 of pledges will be paid in 2019, Inshallah. Please refer to the table below to see the breakdown of the donations. Thank you for your ongoing support of ICCNC. May God reward you the best both in this life and Hereafter.