Statement of Solidarity With Our Black Brothers and Sisters
“People, We have created you all male and female and have made you nations and tribes so that you would recognize each other. The most honorable among you in the sight of God is the most pious of you. God is All-knowing and All-aware.” (The Quran 49:13)
Assalam Alaykum, With Greetings of Peace,
In these trying times in America, the Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California (ICCNC) expresses solidarity with the Black community and stands witness to the collective pain of the Black community in their struggle for social, economic, and criminal justice across this nation.
Also, ICCNC supports the Northern California Islamic Council (NCIC) Statement of Solidarity With Our Black Brothers and Sisters.
Also, you can donate to various organizations that are working to eliminate racism among the Muslim and the greater community in the U.S, here is a link to these organizations through the American Muslim Community Foundation.
Here is a list of activities in the Bay Area by various organizations to support this cause.
Also, to educate ourselves about the history of Black Muslims in America please enroll today in Dr. Sherman Jackson's course: "Islam in Blackamerica," for free through BayanONLINE.