Eid al-Fitr Mubarak!

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

"And those who believe and perform righteous deeds, it is they who are the inhabitants of the Garden, therein to abide." (Quran 2:82)

We say: Peace be upon you,

O greatest month of God! O festival of His friends!

Peace be upon you, O most noble of accompanying times!

O best of months in days and hours!

Peace be upon you, month in which wishes are closer to fruition

and good works are scattered all over.

Peace be upon you, just as entered upon us with blessings

and cleansed us of the filth of offenses!

Peace be upon you - How much we craved you yesterday!

How intensely we shall yearn for you tomorrow! "Sahifeh al-Sajjadiyya - Dua No. 45"

There was no sighting of the new crescent moon in North America on Tuesday, May 11, 2021; therefore, Wednesday, May 12 is the last day of Ramadan, and Thursday, May 13, 2021, will be the first day of Shawwal 1442 and Eid al-Fitr. Eid Mubarak to all.

The members of the Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers of the Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California wish you and your family a blessed Eid.

We thank you for your participation, support, and donations during the month of Ramadan, which allowed us to serve you better and improve our programs. However, if you have not had a chance to donate during this month, please use the donation link on the website to make your donations.

Inshalla, ICCNC will have the Eid Prayer at the Main Hall (at 50% capacity) on Thursday, May 13, 2021, starting at 9:00 AM. In addition, the event will be live-streamed via ICCNC YouTube Channel. 

If you and your family like to attend the Eid prayer in person, you need to comply with the following COVID requirements: 

  1. Register by 10 PM on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. All adults and children must register. Please click here to register for the Eid Prayer.

  2. Be fully vaccinated. All attendees 16 years of age or older must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (must have received their second dose of Moderna/Pfizer vaccine, or single-dose of J&J vaccine by April 28, 2021).

  3. Wear masks at all times inside the building.

  4. Bring your own prayer rug.

We will open the service by checking people's registration and masks, and then we will have the Eid's takbirs, followed by Eid Prayer and Khutbah (sermon) by brother Ahmad Rashid Salim. After the prayer, to-go breakfast and tea will be served to attendees.

We will open the service by checking people's registration, and then we will have the Eid's takbirs, followed by Eid Prayer and Khutbah (sermon) by brother Ahmad Rashid Salim. After the prayer, to-go breakfast and tea will be served to attendees.

Parking for the Eid prayer is available at Scottish Rite Center Parking, located at 1558 Madison St. Oakland, CA.

The recommended amount of Zakat al-Fitr (Fitrah) for the Bay Area is $15 per person, and the amount of Kaffara or Fidyah is $5 per day of missing fasts. The religious dues are highly recommended to be set aside and paid before the Eid al-Fitr prayers. You can pay securely via credit card or PayPal through our website or you can mail your check to ICCNC.

One-time Donation