A Summary of the Court's June 26 Decision on the Muslim Ban and What It Means Islam in America, Latest, Refugee ConsultancyICCNCJune 27, 2017Muslim Ban
Effects of the Notes Against The Ban Concert Art and Literature, B-D:Reports and Statem..., Latest, Music programsICCNCJune 26, 2017ICCNC's Board of Directors, payman Amiri
Summer Program for Children Andeesh School, School programICCNCJune 25, 2017Andeesheh Farsi School, Education team
Eid Al-Fitr Greetings B-D:Reports and Statem..., ReligiousICCNCJune 24, 2017payman Amiri, ram, Ramadan in ICCNC
Call for Proposals: 2017 Exhibition Accepting Art Proposals Now! Art and Literature, Interfait Art ExhibitICCNCJune 5, 2017art, Art exhibitions