Picture Report: Pre-Exposition Connection Through Arts Art and Literature, Interfait Art ExhibitICCNCAugust 26, 2017Art exhibitions, Art workshops
Take Part in Naming the ICCNC’s Rooms B-D:Reports and Statem..., LatestICCNCAugust 22, 2017ICCNC's Board of Directors
Volunteers Needed for Interfaith Food Sorting at ACCFB Faith Trio and Interfaith, ICCNC and Social Servises, LatestICCNCAugust 20, 2017Interfaith Food Sorting
Andeesheh Farsi School's Open House & Registration Andeesh School, LatestICCNCAugust 1, 2017Andeesheh Farsi School
ICCNC's Chairman of the Board Meets with Oakland’s Chief of Police and the Director of Public Safety ICCNC and Social Servises, LatestICCNCJuly 28, 2017ICCNC's Board of Directors, Oakland Police Chief, payman Amiri
Instruction, Analysis, and Discussion on Iranian Music Adult Classes, Latest, Music programs, Sarbong WorkshopICCNCJune 29, 2017Abolhassan Mokhtabad, adult Music classes, sarbong Music, Sarbong Music workhops